Digital dividend - public consultation

ANACOM has approved, by determination of 25 March 2009, the launch of the public consultation on the digital dividend, which is being held until 13 May 2009.

With this consultation, ANACOM intends to gather contributions from a range of market stakeholders (including operators, manufacturers and users) with regard to the potential of this spectral resource, so that different points of view can be taken into account in future decisions on the digital dividend.

The consultation document covers a number of issues related to the following topics:

  • The expected impact of the use of the digital dividend;
  • The coordination and harmonisation of its use at European level;
  • Its distribution among various services / applications;
  • The possibility of adopting criteria of neutrality with respect to technology and services;
  • The procedures for the provision / allocation of spectrum and the respective timetable.

Comments should be sent, preferably in electronic form, to

Once the consultation process is concluded, the responses given will be published on this website, whereby interested parties should clearly indicate any items considered confidential.


See also: