
/ Updated on 13.05.2009

The activity report is published by ICP-ANACOM on an annual basis, whereas it is incumbent upon the Advisory Council of the Authority to provide an opinion on the report pursuant to Article 37 of the annex to Decree-Law no. 309/2001 of 7 December.

This present document describes the main activities undertaken during 2007 and is structured as follows:

Chapter 1, refers to the main regulatory measures taken in respect of electronic communications and postal services, both in terms of pricing and conditions of provision and in terms of analysis of markets, universal service and numbering, portability and pre-selection, as well as regulatory decisions involving the radio spectrum, specifically frequency usage rights and radio licensing.

Chapter 2 covers supervision activities:

i) monitoring, which includes the actions undertaken in respect of the quality of the services provided by the operators and providers of electronic communications and postal services, monitoring and control of the radio spectrum and in addition, other activities whose accompaniment in 2007 was particularly relevant, as was the case of oversight of the enforcement of Regulation (EC) no. 717/2007 of 27 June 2007 on roaming on public mobile networks - this Regulation imposes various obligation on operators with respect to tariffs at a wholesale and retail level; ii) the resolution of conflicts between operators, iii) inspection and enforcement activities with respect to electronic communications, postal services, the equipment market and telecommunications infrastructure in buildings (ITED), iv) litigation and breach proceedings.

In Chapter 3 describes ICP-ANACOM's international activities, in 3 separate parts: i) in representation of the Portuguese State, whereby ICP-ANACOM is mandated to represent the Portuguese state in line with its remit with respect to the communications sector; ii) in the performance of its duties and powers, ICP-ANACOM participates in international and community fora, in particular with regard to the necessary development and implementation of measures to regulate the markets and iii) in cooperation with its counterparts and with Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP) - that is, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe - as well Brazil and East Timor.

Chapter 4 sets out the activities of institutional communication, the handling of requests and the Public Attendance Service of this authority, presenting some statistical data, including the time taken to deal with requests for information and complaints received and handled by the Authority (averages and quartiles).

Chapter 5 addresses standardisation, technical and laboratory activities that occurred in 2007.

The final chapter, Chapter 6, looks at a wide range of activities, especially those undertaken with respect to the communications security, the provision of advice to the government and cooperation with other authorities and sector regulators, particularly with Autoridade da Concorrência (ADC - The Competition Authority) and Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (ERC - Regulatory Authority for the Media).

Other activities are also described which, although not regular, merit mention due to their importance. This is the case of the reorganisation of ICP-ANACOM, which was carried out in February and the approval of a new fees model applicable to electronic communications.