Image and institutional relationship

The corporate image chosen for 2007 is reflected in an identifying graphic image common to all publications and media, which will remain in place until 2009. Key elements of the corporate image include ICP-ANACOM's logo and the tagline ''Free Flowing Communication'', affirming the role of the institution as a guarantor and promoter of transparent and effective communication.

In 2007 ICP-ANACOM released several publications, including information and promotional publications, particularly in relation to events with sectoral relevance or the granting of sponsorship and other support, including advertising.

Continuous priority is given to the relationship with national authorities of sectoral relevance through the establishment of partnerships, and, secondly, the organisation of working group meetings of international organisations in which ICP-ANACOM participates.


The following were published in 2007: the Annual Report and Accounts, Regulation Report and the Communications Situation Report, all with respect to 2006. While the first was published, as usual, in both English and Portuguese, the other two reports were published, in their paper version, in Portuguese only, but provided in both Portuguese and English in the electronic version available on the website of this Authority.

2007 also saw the launch of the first edition of the Communications Sector in Portugal Yearbook (bilingual version - Portuguese and English) and the public release in electronic format only, of the 2006 Activities Report and the 2008-2010 Activities Plan.

In the context of technical publications, note should be made of the provision, while only in electronic form, of the QNAF 2007 (National Frequency Allocation Plan) and the following reports: GSM/UMTS Networks and Services - Survey on the QoS of Voice, Video-telephony and Network Coverage Services - Mainland Portugal and International Comparison of Broadband Prices; and Network of Postal Establishments CTT - 1st Half of 2007.

ICP-ANACOM also published a compilation of basic instruments in the context of electronic communications, entitled ''Electronic Communications: Instruments of reference'', which includes legislation, regulations and determinations of ICP-ANACOM, as well as an index of the most important measures adopted at EU level. This publication was distributed at the ANACOM Conference on ''Regulating Convergence - Converging Regulation'' and is accessible on the website of ICP-ANACOM in Portuguese and English and is updated as necessary.

This was also a re-release in paper and in electronic format, of the leaflet ''Information and Documentation Centre (CDI)'' and ''What you need to know about the antennas of mobile telephone ground stations'', the latter for distribution to participants at the 1st seminar of Portuguese Committee of URSI, on the subject of ''Radiocommunications - New paradigms and health impact''.

Events And Meetings

In the context of the Portuguese Presidency of the EU, ICP-ANACOM hosted two high impact events - a Workshop and a conference.

In collaboration with DigiTAG, ICP-ANACOM organised a Workshop with the subject ''Mobile Television: Technology and Information of the Future'', which took place on 9 July 2007, in Aveiro's Cultural and Congress Centre. The objective of this initiative, which brought together about 300 participants, was to promote analysis and debate on the latest developments in this area, with the participation of distinguished national and international experts in this field.

On 28 September 2007, ICP-ANACOM held its first Conference in Lisbon on the subject ''Regulating Convergence - Converging Regulation''. This Conference, which had about 350 participants, constituted an opportunity to promote wide-ranging debate on the challenges that are faced by regulation, with respect to the various issues of the day, such as the implementation of and access to new generation networks, competition in emerging markets, the development of new business models, the application of new institutional regulation models, as well as spectrum policies, not forgetting the implications of the new realities for citizens in general. The conference was attended by a prestigious group of national and international sector figures, such as representatives of sectoral national regulatory authorities (NRA) from different countries, corporate leaders and academics, as well as members of international organisations.

ICP-ANACOM also organised the 1st seminar of Portuguese Committee of URSI, being responsible for its works. The seminar addressed the subject ''Radio: New paradigms and health impact'', and was preceded by an invitation to present proposals in areas related to the respective theme (call for papers).

The ''ANACOM Seminars'' initiative, the objective of which is to promote knowledge, discussion and debate around several themes of importance to the sector, took off over the course of 2007. 8 seminars were organised, notably the following: price regulation, access to the Internet and broadband in Portugal; functional separation (English model); next generation networks in Germany and development of competition and effects of liberalisation in the postal market.

During these seminars, there was a presentation of the ''Study on the development of competition in the Portuguese postal market'', carried out by Accenture for this Authority, in order to describe the current situation of the postal market in Portugal and characterise the factors that influence its development.

A further 2 seminars were organised in December 2007 on issues related to the telecommunications infrastructure in buildings (ITED) scheme, with respect to its training and certification component, with the aim of encouraging debate with sector professionals, obtaining detailed knowledge of the difficulties faced by entities involved in the ITED scheme and promoting the clarification of doubts arising from the implementation of this technical standard.

ICP-ANACOM also participated in ''PORTI 2007'', an exhibition of information technologies and electronics, which was organised by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and brought together national companies in this area, university research and development centres, technology centres and official representation, such as from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior, with the aim of showing visitors the best on offer nationally in terms of information, communication and electronic technologies. ICP-ANACOM's stand was dedicated to the presentation of the Authority and the Tariff Monitor.

In 2007, 11 meetings were organised in Portugal of technical groups of international organisations in which ICP-ANACOM participates: IRG, CEPT and ENISA, among others.

Sponsorship And Publicity

ICP-ANACOM sponsors various initiatives with relevance to the objectives of its regulatory activity and to the communication sector, promoting their development, the disclosure of information and debate of key issues, as well as scientific research and training.

Over the course of 2007, 29 sponsorships were granted, the majority corresponding to events, with a smaller number granted with respect to other types of actions such as courses and competitions.

Partnerships were maintained, through sponsorship and cooperation protocols, with bodies contributing to the research and production of studies on the sector, such as Instituto Jurídico da Comunicação (IJC), Centro de Estudos de Direito Público e Regulação (CEDIPRE) and Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ), which, in partnership with Associação Portuguesa da Qualidade (APQ - Portuguese Quality Association) and Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação (ISEGI) is responsible for the work of ECSI - Customer Satisfaction Index.

The project ''TIC Pediátrica'' (Pedeatric ICT) of FDTI - Fundação para a Divulgação das Tecnologias de Informação (1st and 2nd phase), supported by ICP-ANACOM since its inception, was also followed throughout 2007. The objective of this project is to provide the paediatric units of public hospitals with technological equipment that will provide their younger patients with the opportunity to engage in leisure activities and to keep in contact with their schools.

The partnership was also maintained between ICP-ANACOM and APDC - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações (Portuguese Communications Development Association), which is already several years old.

In the context of participation in Agência Municipal de Energia and Ambiente Lisboa E-Nova, in July 2007 ICP-ANACOM sponsored the ''Reabilitação Sustentável para Lisboa'' (Sustainable Rehabilitation for Lisbon) project promoted by Lisboa E-Nova in partnership with Lisbon Municipal Council, aiming at the promotion and implementation of actions that could improve the energy-environmental performance in buildings to be renovated by Lisbon Municipal Council.

The project was begun in July 2007, extending for 12 months (renewable). ICP-ANACOM participates in this project with the aim of including sectoral aspects in the project, specifically including standards related to ITED.

In terms of publicity during 2007, around 70 proposals were assessed, with ICP-ANACOM taking an advertising presence in a number of newspapers, directories and magazines.

Institutional Partnerships

As in previous years, ICP-ANACOM continued its institutional partnerships with national authorities with relevant sectors.

In this context, note should be made of this Authority's activity with respect to Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações (Portuguese Communications Foundation), which involves the direct accompaniment of the activity of the bodies in which it is represented, in addition to its presence in the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Communications, specifically through the maintenance the ''Espaço ANACOM'' (ANACOM Space). ICP-ANACOM also sits on the jury of the ''Prémio FPC'' competition.

In partnership with CTT - Correios de Portugal, ICP-ANACOM organised the 2007 edition of the letter writing competition, aimed at young people residing in Portugal, between the ages of 9 and 15, and on the theme ''Imagine you are a wild animal whose habitat is threatened by environmental or climate change. Write a letter to the people of the world, explaining to them what they can do to help you survive''. The winning letter was translated and sent to the UPU, to represent Portugal in the international letter competition promoted by this organisation. The prizes were awarded as part of the celebrations of World Post Day, on 9th October. Meanwhile, the 2008 edition of the letter competition was launched under the theme ''Write a letter to someone to tell them why the world needs tolerance''.

ICP-ANACOM also participated, in the context of the coordination provided by MOPTC, in the initiative Estratégia Nacional para a Infância e Adolescência (ENIA - National Strategy for Infancy and Adolescence), aimed at the promotion of the rights and welfare of children and adolescents, from 0 to 18 years.

The institutional relationship with Associação de Promoção do Multimédia em Portugal (APMP - Association for Promotion of Multimedia in Portugal) was maintained.

As part of the partnership with the Observatório da Comunicação (Obercom - (Observatory for the Media) contacts were maintained with the aim of taking stock and considering future opportunities of mutual interest.