
In 2008 ICP-ANACOM provided support to the government in negotiations in the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE). Of particular note in this regard were the following issues which impacted the activities of regulation and spectrum management more directly:

  • Review of the Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications: Adoption of political agreement on proposals for the review of the regulatory framework;

  • Mobile Satellite Services (MSS): Adoption of Decision no 626/2008/EC which established, at European level, a common procedure for selection of MSS operators;

  • International Roaming: adoption by November TTE Council of a general guideline on the Regulation on the Review of the Roaming Regulation, with the aim of extending the term of voice regulation, introducing regulation of SMS and data services and increasing transparency measures. The revised regulation was adopted in 2009, entering into force on 1 July of this year;

  • Digital Dividend: adoption of Council conclusions on the Commission Communication on the matter.