
The 2011-2013 Management Plan focuses on the strategic actions which set out and accomplish the ambition of the Regulator for the next three-year period.

Accordingly, day to day activities carried out by the various functional areas are not included in this plan, although they will continue to be monitored and evaluated through the Operational Plan, particularly with respect to compliance with the deadlines for execution and the extent of progress regarding the targets set.

As in previous years, this plan overlaps with the two successive plans, having two years in common, and it is therefore clear that the two years it has in common with the successive plans will be subject to adjustment by supervening changes. These adjustments are the natural result of unexpected or unforeseen delays resulting from internal constraints and changes in surrounding environment – changes occurring internally, particularly in terms of tracking government policy to which ICP-Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ICP-ANACOM) is bound to respond without delay, and externally, particularly due to developments in the New European Regulatory Framework.

Naturally, this presentation of the Plan begins by identifying the vision, mission and values of ICP-ANACOM, which, in essence, remain unchanged and which lead to critical factors for success, objectives and strategic actions corresponding to the goals of ICP-ANACOM’s Management Board for the end of the three-year period 2011-2013.

The Management Plan also incorporates the Resource Plan and Financial Plan, identifying the resources involved in the accomplishment of the strategic objectives and actions determined for the three-year period and in the development of ICP-ANACOM’s other activities.

In line with the Management Plan for the previous three--years and with a view to providing a more objective evaluation of organizational performance, the current plan introduces global activity indicators, which will be monitored on a quarterly basis to enable timely correction and adjustment.

This facilitates monitoring and control of the Plan, and also makes ICP-ANACOM more results-focused as an organization, enabling more objective performance assessment at the end of each one of the three-years, while enabling the expansion of this range of adopted strategies to include others, pointing to new objectives to be achieved.