
By determination of 27.01.2011, ANACOM decided to submit the Draft Decisions (DD) on the "Definition of unfair burden" and on the "Methodology for calculating the net costs of universal service of telecommunications" 1 to prior hearings of interested parties, and also to the general consultation procedure (referred to hereinafter as public consultation), pursuant to articles 100 and 101 of the Administrative Procedure Code (APC) and to article 8 of Law number 5/2004 of 10 February (Electronic Communications Law - ECL) respectively, timely comments having been received from the following bodies:

  • AR Telecom - Acessos e Rede de Telecomunicações, S.A. (AR TELECOM);

  • Cabovisão - Sociedade de Televisão por Cabo, S.A. (CABOVISÃO);

  • OniTelecom - Infocomunicações, S.A. (ONITELECOM);

  • Optimus - Comunicações, S.A. (OPTIMUS);

  • PT Comunicações, S.A. (PTC);

  • Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, S.A. (RTP);

  • Vodafone Portugal - Comunicações Pessoais, S.A. (VODAFONE); and

  • ZON TV Cabo Portugal, S.A. and companies in which it has shareholdings (ZON).

Pursuant to paragraph 3d) of "ICP-ANACOM consultation procedures", approved by its determination of 12.02.2004, ICP-ANACOM makes available in its website all responses received, safeguarding any information of a confidential nature and duly substantiated as such. According to the same paragraph of the referred consultation procedures, this report considers and comments the responses received, presenting an overall assessment which sets out the Authority’s position with regard to such responses.

The structure of this report generally corresponds to the structure of the DD submitted to the prior hearing and public consultation procedures. Each of the chapters herein lays down a summary of responses received. At the end of each chapter, ICP-ANACOM's views on the matter at issue is presented. At the end of the report, a set of amendments to DD are presented, in the light of the referred views taken by this Authority.

This report is deemed to be an integral part of the decisions on the "Definition of unfair burden" and on the "Methodology for calculating the net costs of universal service of electronic communications".

1 Hereinafter referred to as DD.