13.8. Radio broadcasting

Following requests to transfer programme services and respective licensing for exercise of the radio activity, put by radio operators, ERC - Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (Media Regulatory Authority) submitted to ICP-ANACOM, under the combined terms of paragraph 9 of article 4 and paragraph 7 of article 22 of Law no. 54/2010 of 24 December - Lei da Rádio (Radio Law), the respective decision processes regarding the transfer of the right of use, in accordance with the rules applicable to electronic communications networks and services and to radiocommunications.

Applications received were analyzed bearing in mind the requirements which, according to the provisions of paragraph 5 of article 34 of the LCE must be fulfilled so that ICP-ANACOM is able to rule on the projected transfers.

As such, in view of the provisions of paragraph 7 of article 34 of the ECL, the respective opinions were requested from AdC and, in compliance with the provisions of point a) of paragraph 5 of article 34 of the ECL, ICP-ANACOM has made the requests of ERC public on its website, as regards the decision on the intention manifested by radio operators to transfer the rights of use frequencies they hold for exercise of the radio activity.

Accordingly, in 2012, ICP-ANACOM decided not to oppose the transfer of rights of use, in the 87.5-108 MHz frequency band, and respective radio licenses, as well as the authorisations granted for operation of the data transmission system in broadcasting (RDS) in the following cases:

  • From Maisactual to the title of Rádio Comercial (determination of 16 February 2012).
  • From Centro de Inspeção Periódica de Veículos Automóveis Castanheirense (CIPO) to title of Fercober (determination of 17 May 2012).
  • From Cooperativa Rádio Bandarra to the title of Rádio João Bosco (determination of 27 September 2012).
  • From Rádio Racal to the title of R.T.A. - Sociedade de Radiodifusão e Telecomunicações de Albufeira (determination of 18 October 2012).
  • From Radio Cávado to the title of Globinóplia (determination of 31 October 2012).
  • From E.D.R. - Empresa de Difusão de Rádio, S.A. to the title of Narrativas & Melodias (determination of 31 October 2012).
  • From Editorialcult to the title of Globinóplia and Cloverpress (determination of 31 October 2012).
  • From Cristina Maria da Silva Rede, Lda., to the title of Rádio João Bosco (determination of 13 December 2012).