The International Union for Radio Science (URSI) has held its XXXI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, taking place from 16 to 23 August 2014 in Beijing (China), National representation of Portugal was provided by Helena Prazeres and José Borrego of ANACOM, and Nuno Borges de Carvalho of Aveiro University.
During the General Assembly, elections were held for the URSI Board of Officers, Chairs and Vice-chairs of the Scientific Commissions and Early Carrier Representatives for the three-year period of 2014-2017.
This year's outcome has been extremely positive for Portugal, most notably:
- the award of the Best Student Paper Award to Filipa Prudêncio, of Instituto de Telecomunicações (Telecommunications Institute) of Instituto Superior Técnico (Higher Technical Institute) for the work "The most general classes of Tellegen medium reducible to simple reciprocal medium: a geometrical approach";
- the election of Pedro Cruz, Instituto de Telecomunicações (Telecommunications Institute), University of Aveiro, to the post of Early Career Representative of Commission A (Electromagnetic Metrology, Electromagnetic measurements and standards);
- the election of José Pedro Borrego, of the Portuguese Committee of URSI and ANACOM, as Chair of "Working Group E6 - Spectrum Management" of Commission E (Electromagnetic environment and interference).
The General Assembly's scientific programme, which was attended by about 1016 participants, included four lectures, 10 tutorials, and about 1400 presentations in the oral and poster sessions, covering the range of topics from URSI's ten scientific commissions.
URSI will hold its XXXII General Assembly in Canada in August 2017.
- Scientific Commissions
- Agenda
- Session Schedule per Commission
See also:
- Call for Papers
- Young Scientist Award
Further information:
- General Information About URSI GASS 2014