3.3. Reporting to ICP-ANACOM

ICP-ANACOM determined also that CTT must present a proposal as regards the regular reporting to ICP-ANACOM of values verified for objectives that are defined, in addition to specific information on postal establishments and other points of access (such as letterboxes) operating by the end of each reporting period, including alterations occurred between each reporting period and the respective grounds, identifying, for example:

- For each postal establishment: type (station, office, etc.), designation, address, district, municipality, parish, geographic coordinates, services provided, working hours;

- For each letterbox: type, address, district, municipality, parish of location, geographic coordinates, time of last collection.

CTT’s proposal:

CTT propose to present quarterly reports on values verified for objectives that are defined, including specific information on postal establishments and letterboxes operating by the end of each reporting period, including alterations occurred between each reporting period and the respective grounds.

For each postal establishment, the type, designation, address, district, municipality, parish, geographic coordinates, services provided and working hours shall be identified.

For each letterbox, the type, address, district, municipality, parish of location and time of last collection shall be identified.

According to CTT, it is not possible to indicate coordinates for letterboxes, given that these pieces of equipment are still not geo-referenced.

CTT propose to send quarterly reports to ICP-ANACOM by the 15th day of the 2nd month following the end of the (civil) quarter.

Analysis and understanding of ICP-ANACOM

ICP-ANACOM agrees with the reporting proposal presented by CTT.

As regards information on geographic coordinates concerning the location of each letterbox, it must be included in the report as letterboxes are geo-referenced.

The report must further include an unambiguous code associated to each postal establishment and each letterbox.

On the other hand, CTT are required to identify, where appropriate, the information deemed to be confidential, together with the reasons therefor.