Convention and Operating Agreement

/ Updated on 23.08.2019

20th Assembly of Parties held in Malta in 2008

At this Assembly, approval was given to amendments to the IMSO Convention, aiming to complement and clarify the amendments adopted at the 18th Assembly with a view to extending IMSO's powers. These amendments were ratified by Decree of the President of the Republic no. 3/2019 of 25 January. On 8 of March 2019, Portuguese Republic has deposited its instrument of ratification of the Convention through the Notice no. 56/2019, published on 17 July.

12th Assembly of Parties, London, 1998

At this Assembly, amendments were approved to the Convention and the Operating Agreement, having the restructure of Inmarsat in view. These amendments were ratified by the Decree no. 47/98 of 14 December.

6th and 10th Extraordinary Assemblies of Parties, London, 1989 and 1994 (respectively)

At these Assemblies, amendments were made to the Convention and the Operating Agreement of Inmarsat. These amendments were ratified by the Decree no. 28/97 of 18 June.

4th Assembly of Parties, London, 1985

At this Assembly, amendments were approved to the Convention and the Operating Agreement of Inmarsat. These amendments were ratified by the Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic no. 2/87 of 30 January.

Assembly of Parties, London, 1976

At this Assembly, the Convention and the Operating Agreement of Inmarsat were approved. The Convention was ratified by the Decree no. 72/79 of 19 July, no. 44, I Series, of 22 February, by the Notice of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and by the Decree no. 16/80 of 21 March. The Operation Agreement was ratified by the Decree no. 16/80 of 21 March.