Fixed Telephone Service

/ Updated on 08.11.2002

The total mail telephone accesses at the end of the year showed an increase in absolute terms of around 85 thousand accesses, compared with the previous year, corresponding to a growth rate of 2%. It has been noted that this service has been registering in terms of total accesses, decreasing growth rates (Figure 6). Once again in the year 2000 a reduction was registered in the total analogue accesses, and an increase the digital accesses. At the end of the year 14 of the 23 licensed providers were in operation.

Figure 6

Figure 6: Total Fixed Telephone Service Accesses, 1998 / 2000

In terms of this service, a high increase in traffic was noted, both a the national and outbound international levels, where compared with the previous year, an increase in the conversation time in minutes has been observed, 16.1% and 24.6% respectively (Figure 7).

Figure 7

Figure 7: Telephone Traffic, 1998-2000 Minutes of conversation
Note: In the outgoing international traffic only the traffic
originating and outward bound from the fixed network is considered.

Overall, the prices of the fixed telephone service provided by the historical operator, registered in 2000 a drop of 8.6%, in real terms. The only component of the Fixed Telephone Service, which showed a real positive variation, was the monthly subscription, with 2.7%. The most significant real price variations were in communications in particular in the long distance and international segments, respectively, with -37.7% and -19.5% (Figure 8).

The real price variation was sharper than what was initially expected, due to the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Figure 8

Figure 8: Real Pride Variation of Fixed Telephone Service in Portugal, 1999 / 2000