4. Personnel

/ Updated on 21.01.2004

ICP-ANACOM personnel are subject to the individual work contract legal regime and are covered by the general regime for social security. At 31 December 2002, the Authority?s number of workers was 0.5 percent lower than at the same date in 2001. In 2002, hiring and the contract situation were characterised by a 1.3 percent rise in the number of workers on permanent contract and a drop of 40 percent in the number of the fixed term contracts.

Table I. 1 - Contract situation
Contract Situation No. of employees Var 02/01
2001 2002 No. %
Permanent contracts 392 397 5 1,3%
Fixed term contracts 10 6 -4 -40,0%
Other 7 4 -3 -42,9%
Total 409 407 -2 -0,5%

Source: ICP-ANACOM - Annual Report and Accounts, 2002

The year 2002 witnessed a significant increase in the degree of competence of the Authority?s human resources, due to the higher qualification levels of upper and middle management, corresponding to about 76 percent of the total workforce. This change is associated not just to the growing technical and functional demands on the organisation, but also to the functional reclassification and or framing of workers previously ranked in lower qualification levels. 

Table I. 2 - Qualification levels
Qualification Levels No. of Workers Var 02/01
2001 2002 No. %
Upper management 194 194 0 0,0
Middle management 82 117 35 42,7
Highly qualified professionals 47 29 -18 -38,3
Qualified professionals 72 54 -18 -25,0
Semi-qualified professionals 14 13 -1 7,1
Total 409 407 -2 -0,5

Source: ICP-ANACOM - Annual Report and Accounts, 2002