Advice to the Government

Regarding ICP-ANACOM?s statutory commitment to act as a consultant to the Government, work in 2002 concentrated on preparation of the new national regulatory framework applicable to electronic communications, transposing into the national legal order the community directives approved by the European Parliament and the Council of 7 March 2002 (99 Review package), which redirected the regulator?s activity, providing it with new means to streamline its efficiency. To that end the corresponding draft measures were prepared and submitted to the Government.

The promotion of a competitive environment and convergence phenomena also served as the basis for introducing modifications in the prevailing legislative and regulatory panorama. Various draft measures were thus prepared in 2002 with implications for the sector; diverse legislative and regulatory processes were also co-ordinated and consultancy actions undertaken, as was collaboration in the planning and definition of sector-related policies.

In the context of the ?Convergence and Regulation Initiative?, a joint action of the then ICP (Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal) and the Media Institute (Instituto da Comunicação Social), launched by the Ministers of the Presidency and of Infrastructure via Joint Order no. 863/2001 of 26 June, with the goal of endowing the Government with analysis instruments that would enable it to define a strategic orientation for development of the audiovisual and telecommunications sectors in an environment of technological convergence, a set of strategic action recommendations was submitted to the Government in 2002.