Portability Regulations

Following a determination of 22 July 2005, the Portability Regulations have been approved, which establish the principles and rules applicable to portability in public telephone networks, being compulsory for all companies with portability obligations.

These regulations, which will be published in Series II of the Diário da República, were prepared pursuant to the provisions of article 9, Section a) of ANACOM Statutes (Decree-Law n.º 309/2001, of 7 December) and article 54, Item 5 and article 125, Item 1 of the Electronic Communications Law (Law n.º 5/2004, of 10 February), and are based on the rules contained in the Operator Portability Specifications approved following a determination of 28 June 2001, modified or adapted according to need in light of experience obtained since the onset of portability implementation.

The final report from the draft regulations’ general consultation procedure was also approved following a determination of 11 March 2004, through which input was received before the designated deadline from the following entities: DECO, FENACOOP, Consumer Institute, Novis Telecom, SA, Onitelecom - Infocomunicações, SA, Optimus - Telecomunicações, SA, PT Comunicações, SA, TMN - Telecomunicações Móveis, SA and Vodafone Portugal - Comunicações Pessoais, SA.

Under the terms of the same determination of 22 July 2005, openings were given in the National Numbering Plan (E.164) for the prefixes 639 and 659, to 11 digits, for access to mobile fax and data services, respectively.


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