British presidency of the European Union

Since July 1st and until the end of 2005, the United Kingdom will assure the presidency of the European Union, after Luxembourg’s one during the first half of 2005.

The work program of the British presidency focuses on four main vectors: Europe’s role in the world; economic reform and social justice; security and stability; and future perspectives for the financing of the Union. Amongst these main areas, the following priorities stand out:

  • Europe’s role in the world: the Doha Development Agenda, in the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO); development, with special attention for Africa; climate change; reform of the Common Agricultural Policy; relations with Russia and the Ukraine; and the Middle East peace and stability process;
  • Economic reform and social justice: the community’s legislation and regulation process; the Services Directive; the Financial Services Action Plan; reinforcement of the transatlantic economic agenda;
  • Security and stability: counter terrorism; the Enlargement; and^
  • Future perspectives for financing: a debate on the future forms of financing of the European Union.

Regarding the communications sector, the British Presidency intends to give a new thrust to the European agenda on information and communication technology (ICT), under the scope of employment and economic growth, on the basis of the new i2010 plan. It also intends to give special attention to matters related with inclusion matters in connection with the information society. Lastly, in the framework of the next meeting of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), to be held in Tunes (Tunisia) in November, the British Presidency will try to underline the importance of an administration and management structure for the Internet that is accepted by all.

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