ITU Policy Committee (Com-ITU) meeting - Geneva

Geneva served as venue last 12 April for a meeting of the CEPT committee in charge of European co-ordination regarding participation in ITU activities (Com-ITU), specifically at the level of the Council, Plenipotentiary Conferences (PP) and the sectors' World Conferences and Assemblies.

This meeting focused on preparing for the 2010 ITU Council session. The following agenda points stood out:

  • Progress of the ITU Council working group in charge of preparing for the World Conference on International Telecommunications, to be held in 2012, was debated;
  • The group generally agreed with the Swedish and German proposal to hold a workshop to identify developing countries' needs in the scope of the ITU's interoperability and conformity programme;
  • Switzerland warned that the financial plan presented for the 2009 Council session was not complete. Although the plan presents a deficit on the order of 34 million Swiss francs, some costs resulting from implementation of the international public sector accounting standards (IPSAS) are not considered, which will certainly increase that figure;
  • France called attention to the secretary-general’s report on ITU Council activities in which part 5 suggests modifications to Council resolutions, whereby if the document is approved those suggestions will also be approved. The Committee agreed to propose that part 5 should be separated from the rest of the report and that said information should only be noted.

The next Com-ITU meeting is scheduled for 4-6 May 2010 in the German city of Bonn.