ANACOM decision on voice call termination on individual mobile networks (market 7)

By determination of 18 May 2010, ANACOM has given approval to the final decisions on the definition of the wholesale markets of voice call termination on individual mobile networks, involving the definition of product and geographic markets, assessments of significant market power (SMP) and the imposition, maintenance, amendment or withdrawal of regulatory obligations (market 7 of European Commission Recommendation 2007/879/EC of 17 December), as well as details of the implementation of the price control obligation.

Approval was likewise given to the report of the prior hearing and of the public consultation to which the corresponding draft decisions were submitted, subsequent to determination of 14 January 2010, and in which context commentary was received from the following undertakings: AR Telecom, Direcção-Geral do Consumidor, Eurocard, Federação Nacional das Cooperativas de Consumidores, Grupo Portugal Telecom (representing Portugal Telecom, SGPS, PT Comunicações, PT Prime and TMN), Onitelecom, Radio e Televisão de Portugal, Radiomóvel, Sonaecom, União Geral dos Consumidores, Vodafone Portugal and ZON TV Cabo Portugal (on its own behalf and representing its subsidiaries).

In addition, ANACOM received the opinion of Autoridade da Concorrência (The Competition Authority) and comments from the European Commission following the notification made to the Commission and to the national regulatory authorities of the other Member States under legally prescribed terms.
