Results of ECSI Portugal 2006

The results of the 2006 ECSI Project - the National Index of Customer Satisfaction – which were presented on 1 June 2007 at a seminar organised by the Portuguese Quality Institute, have been published, along with the main conclusions of the sectors studied – communications (fixed and mobile telecommunications, internet, cable television and postal communications), as well as banking, fuel, insurance and public transport (Greater Lisbon and Porto).

As far as the communications sector is concerned, the mobile telecommunications subsector stands out as having achieved the maximum value of the studied sectors and subsectors in almost all the indices assessed, while the cable television subsector generally came out at the other end of the scale in the indices assessed. The electronic communications sector as a whole achieved an intermediate ranking in the consumer satisfaction indicators.

Among the companies studied in the communications sector were PT Comunicações and other fixed network operators, OPTIMUS, VODAFONE and TMN, as well as TV Cabo and other cable television operators, internet service providers and CTT.

ANACOM has been a sponsor of this study since 2000.


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