21st ERG meeting and IRG plenary

The 21st meeting of the European Regulators Group (ERG), was being held on 30 and 31 May in Oslo, Norway, at the same time as the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) was holding its plenary. The agenda of the ERG meeting includes the following points: harmonization of remedies; updated report on regulatory accounting in practice; proposing a common position on fixed/mobile termination rates; final report on broadband quality, pricing and bundling (joint presentation by ANACOM and BNetzA, the German regulator); preliminary overview of the consultation on next generation network access; update on the state of recruitment procedures for the ERG and IRG's Chair's Secretariat members; an update on the latest measures taken by the European Union on the regulation of roaming.

A debriefing session has been scheduled to follow the meeting and will be held in Brussels on 8 June at 12.30pm. This session is open to all interested parties, but prior registration is required by 5 June. To register, send the registration form below by email to erg-secretariat@ec.europa.eu.

Further information:

  • Agenda http://berec.europa.eu/doc/whatsnew/erg07_18_21st_erg_plenary_oslo_agenda.pdf

Related information on ANACOM's website: