LLU - collocation procedures

By determination of 12 April 2007, ANACOM approved a decision on collocation procedures in the scope of the Local Loop Unbundling (LLU), to implement measures which were determined following the assessment of the market for wholesale unbundled access, taking into consideration the results of the prior hearing of interested parties on the corresponding draft decision, adopted by determination of 14 December 2006.
The determination which has now been approved establishes on PT Comunicações (PTC) the obligation to amend the Reference Unbundling Offer (RUO) within one month, laying down several aspects that aim to reduce constraints hindering a swift provision of conditions for the collocation of equipment or the enlargement of modules engaged by operators and service providers, thus harming the development of alternative offers and, ultimately, end-users.
An additional amendment to the RUO is also determined, as a draft decision, interested parties being entitled to assess the issue in writing within 10 working days, pursuant to articles 100 and 101 of the Code of Administrative Procedure.
