RUO - alterations approved

By determination of 17 February 2005, the decision concerning the alterations to be introduced by PT Comunicações, S.A. (PTC), in the Reference Unbundling Offer (RUO) was approved. These alterations, which focus mainly on the time limits and procedures for the supply and transfer of loops and compensation for non-compliance with such time limits, must be introduced by PTC within a 30-day time limit, and shall enter into force on the day the RUO is altered and notified.

The report of the prior hearing granted to interested parties on the draft decision of this determination, which was approved by determination of 10 December 2005, is an integral part hereof, and includes the analysis of the received observations, submitted by the following entities: PTC, OniTelecom – Infocomunicações, S.A., Sonaecom – SGPS, S.A., Vodafone Portugal, Comunicações Pessoais, S.A., and Radiodifusão Portuguesa, S.A.
