Portability - ANACOM's view on cumulative compensation

ANACOM released on 21 January 2011 its understanding of the application for compensation under the Portability Regulation (Regulation number 87/2009, which amended Regulation number 58/2005 of 18 August) with the aim of clarifying the doubts raised by service providers following the previous explanation of this Authority on the compensation scheme, published on this site on 16 April 2010.

It relates to the following compensations: that the recipient provider (PR) must pay the provider donor (PD) for each number that has been wrongly ported (point c) of paragraph 2 of Article 26) and that PR has to pay the PD when it has failed to submit the documentation within the prescribed period (paragraph 3 of Article 26).

It is concluded in this understanding that the implementation of such compensation cannot be cumulative.
