EC looks to double e-commerce volumes by 2015

The European Commission (EC) has adopted a communication which sets out 16 targeted initiatives aimed at doubling the share of e-commerce in retail sales and that of the Internet sector in European GDP  by 2015.

The communication, adopted on 11 January 2012, identifies the potential of electronic commerce and online services as accounting for up to 20 % of employment and growth over the next five years. Access to goods and services will also be made easier for geographically isolated or vulnerable people, fostering cohesion across Europe.

The EC reports that there are many obstacles which hold consumers and companies back from investing fully in online services: rules are often flouted or unclear, offers lack transparency and are difficult to compare, payments and delivery options are often costly and inadequate.

The action plan now adopted by the EC sets out to create an environment which is more likely to foster a dynamic Digital Single Market by tackling the problems in its path, while promoting investment in wireless connectivity and new-generation fixed infrastructure and supporting the development of cloud computing.

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