List of audio and television broadcast operators - information updated

The list of audio and television broadcast operators has been updated at ''Radiocommunications Services'' area of Anacom's website.

Last update (3.07.2003):

(This information is only available in portuguese version)

Audio broadcast operators

VHF (Frequency Modulation)

RDP - Radiodifusão Portuguesa, S.A. 

  • Antena 1
  • Antena 2
  • Antena 3
  • Antena 2 - Azores
  • Antena 2 - Madeira

Rádio Comercial, S.A

Rádio Regional de Lisboa, S.A (Rádio Clube Português)

Local Operators

Television broadcast operators

RTP - Radiodifusão Portuguesa, S.A.



SIC - Sociedade Independente de Televisão, S.A

TVI - Televisão Independente, S.A.