Telephone directories - cross-border dispute between EDA and Cabovisão

By determination of 5 April 2012, ANACOM has approved the decision on resolving the cross-border dispute on telephone directories between European Directory Assistance (EDA) and Cabovisão.

ANACOM has ordered Cabovisão to present EDA with the conditions under which it supplies information about its subscribers for the purposes of provision of publicly available telephone directories and directory enquiry services. The company has been given a period of 20 working days, from the date of notification of the decision, to send the proposal submitted to EDA to this Authority, whereas the agreement reached between the parties is to be sent subsequently.

Upon completion of the agreement for the transmission of data and before undertaking this transmission, the parties responsible for processing the data are required to notify CNPD - Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados (National Data Protection Commission), which is charged with the performance of prior scrutiny.

Approval has also been given to the report of the prior hearing and of other consultations (Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications and CNPD) to which the respective draft decision of 28 July 2011 was submitted.
