BEREC - International Roaming Benchmark Data Report and CEO Summit

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) has released the International Roaming Benchmark Data Report, presenting the results of the ninth round of data collection on European international roaming services with reference to the period 1 July 2011 - 31 December 2011.

This and subsequent Reports will provide information on the evolution of wholesale and retail prices for voice, SMS and data roaming services. The Reports are intended to provide a sound evidence base for the legislative process following the Commission's July 2011 Report and proposal for a new Regulation.

Meanwhile, a summit was held on 3 May 2012, with chief executive officers (CEO) from some of Europe's fixed, mobile and cable operators. This was the first summit to take place under the so called "strategic dialogue" which BEREC hopes will contribute to overcoming the regulatory challenges of a rapidly changing sector.

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