Transfer of rights of use of frequencies from Voz do Marão to Rádio Antena do Marão revoked

ANACOM has announced that, on 18 December 2013, ERC - Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (Media Regulatory Authority) decided to repeal Determination 120/2013 [AUT-R] of 23 April 2013 with retroactive effect. Under this determination, authorisation had been granted for the transfer of a local programme service (Rádio Voz do Marão) and respective licensing (held by Cooperativa Cultural Voz do Marão, C.R.L.) to the title of Rádio Antena do Marão, Lda..

In accordance with repeal of this decision, the Rádio Voz do Marão programme service and respective licensing remains title of Cooperativa Cultural Voz do Marão.

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