BEREC - Results of 18th plenary meeting

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) has published the documents adopted at its 18th plenary meeting, which took place in Stockholm on 27 and 28 February 2014.

In particular:

  • Approval (for public consultation to be held 17 March - 28 April) of a report assessing different platforms and tools for measuring and monitoring the quality of Internet access services in the context of net neutrality.
  • Adoption for publication of the latest International Roaming BEREC Benchmark Data Report (April - September 2013).
  • The decision to hold BEREC's second stakeholder forum in Brussels (autumn 2014).

This was the first BEREC plenary meeting under the chairmanship of Göran Marby, Head of the Sweden's regulator, Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS). The vice-chair is now held by ANACOM chairman, Fátima Barros.

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