INE - Surveys on the use of ICT by households and businesses

INE - Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Statistics Portugal) has released the results of its surveys on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by Portuguese households and businesses in 2014.

The INE household survey reveals that, in 2014, 63 percent of households in Portugal have a broadband Internet connection at home. Meanwhile, 65 percent of people aged between 16 and 74 accessed the Internet and 17 percent made purchases online.

In terms of the business segment, the survey indicates that in 2014, 95 percent of companies with 10 or more staff access the Internet via broadband. Of these, 39 percent use Internet-based applications or communication platforms which they themselves have as part of a strategy to create content and exchange content with customers, suppliers or other business partners, especially through social networks.

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