Videoconference between the Chair and the Vice-Chairs of BEREC and the IRG

The Chair and the Vice-Chairs of BEREC and the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) held a videoconference on 18 February. Among other issues, they discussed developments in the legislative process associated to the proposed Telecoms Single Market (TSM) Regulation, organisation of the 2015 BEREC Stakeholders’ Forum and BEREC’s international activities, as well as various administrative aspects. The plenary session (Berne, 26-27 February 2015) was also prepared.

Besides Fátima Barros, who heads ANACOM’s Board of Directors and chairs BEREC and the IRG in 2015, the other participants were Wilhem Eschweiler (BNetzA), Marc Furrer (ComCom), Kevin O’Brien (ComReg) and Ola Bergstrom (PTS).