Spectru no. 161

Spectru no. 161 cover.

The May 2015 issue of the Spectru monthly bulletin reports on the opening of the exhibition titled “Submarine Cable in a Sea of Connectivity”, promoted by ANACOM amid efforts to mark World Telecommunications and Information Society Day, whose theme this year is “ICTs as the Drivers of Innovation”. Other articles describe developments concerning strategic guidelines for ANACOM’s 2016-2018 multiannual activities plan, spectrum availability in the 3.4-3.8 GHz frequency and wholesale call termination markets.

Also noteworthy are ANACOM’s provision of a new tool for consulting actions undertaken to monitor digital terrestrial TV (DTT) signal and the award of the ANACOM Prize on Economics of ICTs for the ANACOM Young Researcher Award contest.

Other highlights of this issue include publication of the reports on “Telecommunications Price Trends” and “Facts & Numbers”, as well as the ANACOM commissioned and coordinated study on competition and regulation questions in the mobile telephone service (MTS) market.