23rd BEREC/IRG plenary meeting - Bergen

The second meeting of the BEREC Board of Regulators and of the Management Committee was held on 4-5 June in Bergen, Norway, chaired by the head of ANACOM, Fátima Barros.

Highlights among the issues considered include the approval for publication of the 2014 BEREC annual reports and the report on net neutrality. Also approved for public consultation were the report on common characteristics of layer 2 wholesale access products and the report on oligopoly analysis and regulation.

Also standing out was the discussion on the digital single market (DSM), BEREC’s 2016 working programme, the reports on machine-to-machine (M2M) and over-the-top (OTT), and BEREC’s international mission to China.

At IRG level, besides administrative questions, specifically concerning the budget and accounts, the discussion on the organisation of training workshops in 2015 stood out.

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