EWG NN meeting - Brussels

The BEREC expert working group on Net Neutrality (EWG NN) met on 30 June and 1 July at the offices of the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) in Brussels.

The first day included the group’s plenary meeting, with presentation of the final result of the report on ecosystem dynamics and demand side forces in net neutrality developments from an end-user perspective (ECODEM). Also presented, for the first time, was the preliminary version/draft on the feasibility analysis and study of a common European system meant to test quality of service of internet access. A videoconference was held at the end with the US regulator (FCC - Federal Communications Commission), the aim being to exchange opinions on legislation recently approved in the United States and on initiatives being developed in Europe, specifically the future European Regulation for the Single Telecoms Market.

The main aim of the second day was to analyse, discuss and schedule/distribute tasks with a view to drawing up a feasibility study/report on the common European system for testing quality of service (QoS) in internet access.

This working group will next meet in August at BEREC headquarters in Riga, Latvia.