COM.escolha receives more than 33 thousand visits in 4th quarter 2015

ANACOM's tariff comparison tool and simulator, COM.escolha, received 33,847 visits from 27,817 users during fourth quarter 2015. Compared to the third quarter, there was an increase of 46.30% in the number of visits and an increase of 41.87% in the number of users.

A total of 136,793 pages were visited during the quarter, representing an average of 4.04 pages viewed per visit. The average time spent per visitor on the website was 3 minutes and 35 seconds, with a visitor return rate of 20.7%. Meanwhile, 79.3% of accesses were originated by new users, compared to 81% in the previous quarter.

The feature most used by visitors over the period was the Internet tariff query feature.

Between 1 January and 31 December 2015, the simulator received a total of 146,524 visits from 116,925 users. Compared to 2014, there was an increase of 55.22% in the number of visits and an increase of 46.72% in the number of users.

In 2015, 713,547 pages were visited, representing an average of 4.87 pages per visit. The average time spent per visitor was 4 minutes and 37 seconds, with a return rate of 16.8%; as such, 83.2% of accesses were originated by new users.

The feature most used by visitors over 2015 was the Internet tariff query feature.
