IR EWG meeting - Brussels

The BEREC expert working group on International Roaming held a meeting last 25 January in Brussels, co-chaired by the national regulatory authority (NRA) of Austria (Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications) and the NRA of Spain (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia).

The meeting’s main agenda points included discussion of the document on updating the guidelines for application of European Union (EU) Regulation 531/2012 (Roaming Regulation), concerning roaming in the EU’s public mobile communication networks, considered necessary given the changes resulting from approval of Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which specifically modifies the aforementioned Roaming Regulation. The guidelines are meant to complement the provisions set out in the Roaming Regulation and are not meant to be an official legal interpretation of them.

The document concerning the BEREC report on the wholesale roaming market was also discussed. It is intended to comprise BEREC’s response to the European Commission’s public consultation on revision of the national wholesale roaming markets. BEREC accordingly sought to identify key issues associated to that revision, based on information gathered from market players.