Videoconference between the BEREC and IRG chair and vice-chairs

The chair and vice-chairs of BEREC and the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) held a videoconference meeting on 13 April 2016 to discuss preparations for the high-level meeting with Commissioner Oettinger (21 April), latest developments regarding the net neutrality guidelines, BEREC’s international activity and the study visit by the BEREC/IRG chair/vice-chairs to the United States of America (22-27 May 2016), as well as issues concerning administrative questions.

The participants were the chair of ANACOM’s board of directors, Fátima Barros, Wilhelm Eschweiler of BNetzA, who heads BEREC in 2016, Sébastien Soriano (ARCEP), Angelo Cardani (AGCOM), Henk Don (ACM) and Ömer Sayan (BTK).