Meeting of the ERGP subgroup on Cross-border Parcel Delivery for e-Commerce Purposes - Paris

The first meeting of the ERGP subgroup on Cross-border Parcel Delivery for e-Commerce Purposes was held in Paris last 16 March. The first meeting of that group’s drafters was also held on the same date.

The agenda points included the presentations given by the group’s co-chairs, ARCEP and BNetzA, on:

i) The 2015 report on “Legal Regimes - e-commerce delivery”;

ii) The 2015 joint BEREC/ERGP report on “Price transparency and regulatory oversight of cross-border parcels delivery, taking into account possible regulatory insights from the electronic communications sector”.

Also discussed was the aim and scope of the report the group is to produce on “Transparency for online sellers and consumers as regards cross-border e-commerce parcels delivery”, for adoption at the November 2016 plenary meeting.

The meeting participants provided information about their national regulatory authorities’ powers with respect to information gathering and their available information regarding the group’s subject matter.

The subgroup’s next meeting will be held in September 2016 (followed by a drafters meeting).

The drafters group met after the subgroup’s meeting to agree on the work plan, specifically regarding production of the first questionnaire. The next meeting is expected to be held this coming June.