National preparations for WRC-19

Following on from the national preparation for previous Conferences, ANACOM established a Working Group for national preparations for WRC-19 (GT WRC-19), which includes staff from ANACOM and external organisations.

The GT WRC-19 is set up as an outstanding forum of debate which seeks to engage an exchange of views that will contribute to the preparation and consolidation of balanced, consensus-based national positions which can be advanced at the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) and at the International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R). The items to be discussed at WRC-19 GT result from expressions of interest put by external organisations which have worked with ANACOM on past conferences and/or which are taking part in the GT WRC-19.

Organisations interested in participating in the national preparatory work for WRC-19 should send an email to