2nd meeting CPG PTA - Copenhagen

The second meeting of project team A (PTA) of the Conference Preparatory Group (CPG) was held last 21-24 February in Copenhagen, chaired by Gerlof Osinga (Netherlands) and attended by about 35 representatives of administrations and delegates from private companies and the ITU-R (International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector) secretariat.

CPG PTA is responsible for preparing European common proposals (ECPs) for the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) on the following subjects: status of space science service allocations (Earth exploration by satellite, satellite meteorology), spectrum requirements for high altitude platforms, short-duration non-geostationary satellite systems, regarding pico- and nano-satellites, and regulatory matters such as review of the provisions on national footnotes and review of ITU-R recommendations and resolutions concerning the Radiocommunication Sector.

The first draft briefs (base documents used to prepare future ECPs) were revised and updated at this meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for October 2017 in Bucharest.