Tender to contract a study on expanding the offer of DTT programme services - submission of proposals

The tender (limited by prior qualification) to carry out a study on the expansion of the offer of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) programme service was published in the 2nd series of Diário da República (Official Journal) on 24 May 2017. The tender was launched by ANACOM Decision of 24 May 2017.

Following the invitation to present proposals, the following candidates were granted qualification:

  • Deloitte Consultores, S.A., in partnership with Universidade Católica - Centro Regional do Porto
  • Leadership Business Consulting, S.A.

Qualified candidates are now invited to submit their proposals to the tender no later than 4:00 pm on 30 June 2017 using the Vortal electronic platform, available at pt.vortal.biz https://pt.vortal.biz/.
