31st plenary meeting and General Assembly of the IRG - June 2017

Meetings of the Board of Regulators (BoR) and Management Committee (MC) of the BEREC Office, as well as the General Assembly of the Independent Regulators Group (IRG), were held from last 31 May to 2 June in Cascais, Portugal.

Regarding various issues dealt with at BoR level, highlights include the approval of BEREC’s guidelines on the wholesale roaming regulation, the start of public consultations on the documents “BEREC Strategy 2018-2020, Draft report on Net Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology” and “Draft Report on IP Interconnection Practices”, and discussion about BEREC’s position on the regulatory framework review.

The MC focused on a number of administrative questions concerning how the BEREC Office works.

Administrative issues were likewise dealt with at the IRG General Assembly, which also discussed the 2017 budget and the themes of workshops the IRG will organise this year.

More information about the Multilateral BEREC/EMERG/REGULATEL/EaPeReg Summit and the 31st BEREC plenary meeting and IRG General Assembly is available for consultation on the BEREC website http://berec.europa.eu/eng/events/berec_events_2017/143-31st-berec-plenary-meetings-in-cascais-portugal-and-berecemergregulateleapereg-summit.