Compensation fund - payment of the net costs of the electronic communications universal service in respect of 2017

On 6 December 2018, ANACOM approved a draft decision identifying the undertakings required to contribute to the electronic communications universal service compensation fund and determining the amount of the contributions in respect of the net costs of universal service (NCUS) to be compensated for 2017.

In particular, ANACOM determined the following:

  • The review of the values of reported eligible turnover of some companies for the purposes of calculating overall sector turnover, including as a result of auditing and analysis conducted by ANACOM.
  • The value of the overall eligible turnover of the sector (4,286,788,862.35 euros) in respect of 2017 for the purpose of Lei do Fundo (Fund Law
  • To approve the list of undertakings required to make payment of an extraordinary contribution to the compensation fund and the payment of contributions to the net costs of the universal service providers designated by public tender.
  • To approve the value of the contribution of each undertaking for the following purposes:
      • compensation of NCUS in respect of 2017, as provided by NOS Comunicações, under the contracts concluded with the Portuguese State for the universal service provision of connection to a public communications network at a fixed location and publicly available telephone services;
      • compensation of NCUS in respect of 2017, as provided by MEO – Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia (MEO), under the contract concluded with the Portuguese State for the universal service provision of public pay-telephones;
      • compensation of NCUS in respect of 2017, as provided by MEO, under the contract concluded with the Portuguese State for the universal service provision of a comprehensive telephone directory and a comprehensive directory enquiry service. 
  • To establish a period of 20 working days, following notification of the final decision, for payment of the contributions identified in the preceding paragraph.

It was decided to submit this draft decision to the prior hearing of interested parties, granting 10 working days for the submission of responses (comments in writing and in Portuguese).
