- Consultation on 2019-2021 activities plan
- Multi-Annual Activities Plan 2019-2021
By decision of 18 January 2019, ANACOM has approved its Multi-Annual Activities plan for 2019-2021, together with the report of the public consultation, launched by ANACOM decision of 8 November 2018
In response to this consultation, timely contributions were received from the following people and organisations: APRITEL - Associação dos Operadores de Comunicações Eletrónicas (Association of Telecommunications Operators); DECO - Associação Portuguesa para a Defesa do Consumidor (Portuguese Consumer Protection Association); EDP Distribuição - Energia; MEO - Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia (MEO); joint response from NOS Comunicações, NOS Açores and NOS Madeira; joint response from NOWO Communications and ONITELECOM - Infocomunicações; Vodafone Portugal - Comunicações Pessoais; Nuno Caldeira; Carlos Limpinho; António Campos; José Luís Malaquias; João Mota Vieira; Marcos Joel Martins; Vasco Queiroz and António Deodato Batista Milhano. Contributions were also received from AR Telecom and Luisete Cainço but after the time limit for responses.