EWG - Phase II of the article 7A investigation in the case DE/2017/1961 - May 2019

The expert working group that will prepare BEREC's opinion concerning the opening of phase II of the investigation under article 7A in the case PL/2019/2156 on the wholesale market for call termination in individual public telephone networks at a fixed location was held last 13 May in Riga, Latvia. ANACOM is one of the group’s member authorities.

The following were the meeting's main points:

(i) discussion of the document on the opening of phase II of the article 7A investigation in the case PL/2019/2156;
(ii) videoconference discussion with the Polish regulatory authority (UKE) about the case in question, including a list of questions previously sent; and
(iii) division of tasks and planning with respect to the BEREC draft opinion.