ANACOM approves amendments to RCAO and RPAO

By decision of 12 September 2019, ANACOM approved the final decision on the amendments to the Reference Conduit Access Offer (RCAO) and the Reference Pole Access Offer (RPAO).

As established in this decision, MEO - Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia, shall make changes to RCAO version 7 and RPAO version 5 within 40 working days following notification of ANACOM's final decision, with the new versions of the offers effective from that date.

It is recalled that the respective draft decision, adopted on 25 July 2019, was notified to the European Commission (EC), the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the national regulatory authorities of the other Member States of the Union. The draft decision was previously submitted to a national public consultation procedure and a prior hearing of the interested parties. The EC stated that it had no comments in writing on 23 August 2019.


See also: