Plenary - Vienna

/ Updated on 31.07.2006

The plenary session of the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) was held in Vienna, Austria, on 9 July, with participants extensively debating the issue of remedies, measures that the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) may adopt in the context of the new regulatory framework for electronic communications, should there be a breakdown in market functions.

In this area, the plenary session opted to prepare, together with the European Commission, a report seeking a pragmatic approach, taking into account national specificities. The launch of a second public consultation on remedies was held to be premature.

Also debated and approved was the revised text of the joint consultation on bitstream access, launched by the IRG and by the European Regulators Group (ERG) and in force until 31 August (see "Public call for input on Bitstream access").

The plenary session likewise endorsed the Principles of Implementation and Best Practices with regard to detailed invoicing (at IRGIS).

Also studied were matters such as pre-notification (it was agreed that this practice should remain informal and voluntary), added value short messages and international roaming (an issue for which the NRAs should adopt harmonised procedures as soon as possible).

In the context of the co-operation established between the IRG and the Latin-American Forum of Telecommunications Regulatory Bodies (REGULATEL), and specifically with regard to the community @lis programme, the Secretariat called attention to the existence of budget concerns, regarding the execution thereof, on the part of the European Commission, and reported that the annual meting between the two bodies should take place on 2-3 December in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic.

The next IRG plenary session has been provisionally scheduled for 19-20 November.

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