UMTS - Third Mobile Generation: Appraisal Committee establishes bid appraisal criteria

/ Updated on 15.04.2002

The Appraisal Committee appointed by the Government has now established the appraisal criteria governing the candidatures in respect of the call for tenders for the new UMTS system licences. The criteria are based on the stipulations of the Call for Tender Regulations, establishing the factors and items and their respective weighting. The Committee also took the decision to publish these criteria.

There are five appraisal criteria: Contribution to the Development of the Information Society; Contribution to Implementing Conditions of Real Competition; Quality of the Technical Plan; Quality of the Economic and Financial Plan; and Contribution to the Development of Sustained Economic Activity.

The first of these criteria concerning the promotion of development and of access to the information society has a weighting of 50% of the total. The aim is to ensure the best possible relationship between the maximum cover provided by the network and the lowest cost of the service. Dependent on this criterion are factors such as promotion of access to and info-inclusion both through economically accessible prices and through the provision of special conditions for lower-income citizens and those having special need, as well as for institutions of proven social merit, such as schools and libraries.

Publication of these appraisal criteria does not substitute the demands established in the call for tenders regulations and in the specifications. Bidders should therefore follow the form and mode required by these two documents.

Bidders shall be bound to the tenders that they submit and by the determinant conditions underpinning the award of the licences. These conditions will be established in the licence itself.

The public call for tenders for the award of the four licences of national scope within the UMTS system will close at 16.00 hours on September 29th. The UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System is the European version of the global family of technical standards for third generation mobile communications, the IMT 2000 - International Mobile Telecommunications. With its significant technological advances it succeeds the second (GSM and DCS) and the first (analogic mobile communications) generation systems.

UMTS will allow the provision of advanced services through the use of very broad band widths and flow-rates as high as 2 Mbits/s. It thus opens the door to massification of access to new contents, with advanced use of imaging and of the location factor.

Access to Internet, video-telephone and e-mail services, e-commerce transactions and banking transactions, information and entertainment services, personal services and specialised services for the business community, in addition to voice, are just some of the possibilities provided by UMTS.

Appraisal criteria of the public call for tenders for the award of four licences of national scope for the International Mobile Telecommunications Systems (IMT2000/UMTS)

Weighting of the criterion


50 %

1. Contribution to the development of the information society

1.1. Cover and phasing indicators, respective transmission flow-rates and associated services

1.1.1. Population covered

1.1.2. Area covered

1.1.3. Zones covered

1.1.4. Highways covered

1.2. Promotion of universal access and info-inclusion, with an economically accessible wide-ranging cover designed to satisfy the differing consumer profiles

1.2.1. Pricing policy (benchmark tariff, flexibility, and promotion and discount policies)

1.2.2. Special conditions for the low-income population (particularly regarding access and in terms of price and quality)

1.2.3. Special conditions for special-need populations

1.2.4. Special conditions for institutions of recognised merit


2. Contribution to implementing conditions of real competition

2.1. Diversity and differentiation of the range of services, with emphasis on the provision of innovative, convergent services/ contents

2.2. Conditions of the provision of roaming

2.2.1. Phasing of the service

2.2.2. Cover

2.2.3. Other aspects (particularly pricing policy)

2.3. Overall quality of the services

2.3.1. Commercial quality (access, customer attendance, after-sales service, commercial equipment-replacement policy and billing, among others)

2.3.2. Other quality parameters, particularly means of settling consumer conflicts and consumer information policy


3. Quality of the Technical Plan

3.1. Infrastructure sharing conditions (local and ancillary infrastructures)

3.2. Planning of coverage

3.3. Frequency plan

3.4. Technological system and design of the network

3.5. Measures to minimise the environmental impact

3.6. Measures to minimise human exposure to electromagnetic radiation

3.7. Network security and confidentiality

3.8. Network performance

3.9. Interconnection plan

3.10. Numbering / addressing


4. Quality of the economic and financial plan

4.1. Market research

4.2. Operating strategy

4.3. Economic evaluation (NPV, IRR. pay-back)

4.4. Financial evaluation

4.5. Sensitivity analyses (particularly in respect of prices, number of subscribers and traffic volumes)

4.6. Commercial and economic and financial qualifications (experience in mobile services/ networks, marketing/ distribution...)


5. Contribution to the development of sustained economic activity

5.1. External to the project

5.1.1. Development of industry and technology

5.1.2. Enlargement of the market (effects on the chain of value of the mobile network, penetration an use of mobile data and voice services)

5.1.3. Direct and indirect creation of employment

5.1.4. Training, research & development

5.1.5. Other

5.2. Degree of maturity/ development of the project, particularly agreements and/or partnerships with regard to services/ contents, technology/ know-how, etc.

O Presidente da Comissão de Análise, Luís Nazaré.

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