WP TISP - Paris

/ Updated on 31.07.2006

The 34th meeting of the OECD?s working party on Telecommunication and Information Services Policies (WP TISP) was held on 6-7 June in Paris.

The meeting basically focused on the following subjects:

- Voice over IP (VoIP), reflecting on this new technology?s consequences on market regulation and having had the opportunity for Israel to make presentations on its regulation initiatives;
- Wi-Fi, considering this new technology?s implications on market competition and regulation, with Australia presenting its most recent regulatory initiatives in this area;
- Access and universal service, subject within which the working party had a comprehensive look at the context of universal service in the current and increasingly developing telecommunications environment, besides having presentations given by Finland and Australia on broadband access in those countries;
- Institutional structures and responsibilities of the telecommunication regulators.

The TISP group will hold its 35th session on 5 and 6 December.