"1999 Communications Review" package published

/ Updated on 19.11.2002

On April 24, 2002, the Official Journal of the European Communities (OJEC) published the four Directives and a Decision approved by the European Parliament and Council on March 7, 2002, that form part of the "1999 Communications Review" Package. The new regulatory package establishes a new, balanced regulatory framework for the telecommunications sector, now under the designation of "electronic communications".

The Directive on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services ("Framework Directive") - Directive 2002/21/EC - constitutes the "spinal cord" of this new framework, containing the principles, concepts and procedures to be adopted in the area of electronic communications, in order to establish a balanced regulatory framework that globally responds to the challenges associated to the phenomenon of convergence between the telecommunications, audiovisual and information technology sectors.

The Directive on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services (Authorisation Directive), - Directive 2002/20/EC - aims to achieve greater harmonisation and simplification of procedures, conditions and taxes related to authorisations for electronic communications networks and services in the Member States, in order to create conditions for the development of a dynamic and competitive market, facilitate the convergence of services, networks and technologies and develop pan-European services.

The Directive on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities ("Access Directive") - Directive 2002/19/EC - aims to create a new regulatory framework, establishing for this purpose new obligations and rights in relation to those currently contemplated within the European Union's legal framework.

The Directive on universal service and users' rights relating to electronic communications networks and services (Universal Service Directive) - Directive 2002/22/EC - aims to guarantee the availability of high quality and affordable services throughout Community territory, by means of effective competition and freedom of choice, and address situations in which users" and consumers" needs are not conveniently satisfied by commercial means.

Lastly, the Decision on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community ("Radio Spectrum Decision") - Decision 676/2002/EC - aims to guarantee balanced availability and efficient use of the radio spectrum, when necessary in order to implement Community policies, in areas such as communications, transport, research and development.

Member States now have 15 months to implement the published package into their respective national laws.

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