RCAO - cost of access to PTC's conduits database

ANACOM approved on 11 June 2008 a draft decision on the cost of access to the conduits database of PT Comunicações (PTC).

This determination provides generally as follows:

  • Amendment by PTC of the Reference Conduit Access Offer (RCAO), taking into consideration the established maximum cost of access to the RCAO database;

  • Maintenance by PTC of both two schemes for the provision of information on conduits and associated infrastructure (though access to the Extranet and through forms making plans available in PDF format and by e-mail) until the price defined further to the final decision comes into force.

This determination was submitted to the prior hearing of interested parties, pursuant to the Code of Administrative Procedure, having been set a 10-working-day deadline for replies.


Related information on ANACOM's website: